
2021年6月1日,一段关于Thinkium(太空猫公链) 的九大技术创新视频在YouTube上广为流传!


本次,刘教授作为Thinkium(太空猫公链) 生态的技术顾问,为我们讲解了太空猫公链的九大技术创新。





作为公链网络的基础设施,Thinkium可以承载互联网级大规模应用的落地发展,桥接物理世界和数字世界,开启Web 3.0时代。










最后一项创新:Thinkium 可以通过Themis网络建立一个公平的社区环境,一个基于全网用户的治理机制。特别的是,(每个用户投票都有一个相应的特定“提议”),这些提议是最终要执行的交易,而这些交易执行时,不是验证签名,而是通过对公投结果的确认进行验证。对于用户而言,他们可以通过多个不同的方式参与管理过程,例如通过基金会,委员会,DSO,DAO或普通账户。







Thank you all for attending the talk today. My name is Yuhong Liu. I am currently an associate professor at Santa Clara University. And I’m also serving as technical consultant for Thinkium.

Today, we’d like to briefly go through the key technical innovations of Thinkium, which is a public blockchain infrastructure that aims to facilitate Internet level large-scale applications and bridge the physical and the digital world to launch the era of Web 3.0.

So in particular, we would like to highlight nine innovations today.

The first innovation is its unique design of a multi-layer multi-chain structure,which can theoretically achieve unlimited scalability through the separation of subchains from the main chain, inheritance of child-chains from their parent chains, intra-chain sharding, and cross-chain communications.

The second innovation is the Aplati tree, which is a flat tree structure that enables unlimited logical layers through the implementation of only two different types of chains. One is the subchain. The other one is the main chain. Logically, both the main chains and the subchain can serve as a parent chain to create arbitrary number of child-chains to share their related businesses. Well, physically, the parent and child-chains can be viewed as independent chains, with their relationship only recorded and maintained only on the main chain,which makes management very easy.

The third innovation is a four-layer stack architecture, where each specific layer can focus on its own logic tasks and corresponding consensus mechanism. Such design makes it very easy and flexible for future system extension and upgrade.

The fourth innovation is the Actor-based parallel processing model, which enables high throughput and high complex transaction processing. In particular, the Actor-based model allows asynchronous messages for the execution of complex logic and avoids low-efficiencies caused by different locking mechanisms in conventional parallel models.

The fifth innovation is that Thinkium also supports its dual-coin ecosystem. In particular, Thinkium supports subchains to develop their own coins and therefore the corresponding independent eco-systems.

Number six. Thinkium also supports that the early-stage small businesses can develop their own low-cost, independent single-chains, which can be customized for their own business scenarios.Once mature, those independent single-chains can also be smoothly linked backed to the Thinkium system through some supported interfaces.

Number seven, Thinkium can effectively balance the tradeoff between the business confidentiality and the open business flow. In particular, the design of Thinkium makes it compatible with both permissionless blockchains and permission-based blockchains so that sensitive businesses can be deployed only on those more trustworthy permission-based blockchains,while other open businesses can be deployed on permissionless blockchains to enable more large-scale transactions.

The next innovation is that Thinkium can also effectively balance the tradeoff between system efficiency and stability by integrating both structural and non-structural P2P networks.

Last but not least, a fair community environment can also be established through Themis network, which is a management mechanism to enable votes from all users. In particular, those proposals can be submitted as an executable transaction, which is then verified not through signatures, but through the validation of the public votes. And for users, they can also participate in the management process through the multiple different formats, for example through foundations , the committees, DSO, DAO or just through their regular user accounts.

So these are the nine key innovations we would like to highlight today.

Thank you all.